📄️ Overview
The webhook processing system is designed to efficiently handle and process incoming webhooks using Redis streams. This modern architecture focuses on ensuring reliable message delivery and processing.
📄️ Redis Configuration
We use Redis in Sendhooks primarily for its streams feature, enabling us to efficiently receive and send webhook status updates. We chose Redis for its speed, security, and low latency, ensuring that webhooks are delivered promptly and reliably.
📄️ Security
Security is a top priority in webhook services. In Sendhooks, we pay special attention to secure data transmission and protect it against potential threats such as Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks and data tampering.
📄️ Logging
Logging is integral in the Sendhooks engine, ensuring that every activity, whether it's an error or a success, is meticulously documented. This is particularly essential in systems where success is the norm, and failures are significant anomalies that require immediate attention.